Friday, March 15, 2013

Hey guys! So I was just sitting in my room, really bored then I thought "Why don't I feed the baby venus flytrap?" Then I thought that what would be small enough to fit in it. Then I got the greatest idea. I thought that I should feed it a teeny tiny ant. If you're wondering whats a teeny tiny ant, heres the picture:
Its the thing in the red circle. Its very common. 
And now the baby venus flytrap is closed! Oh and by the way i did not kill the teeny tiny ant before making the trap eat it, I made sure that the teeny tiny ant was alive. I never feed my venus flytrap with dead insects. Anyway heres the picture of the closed baby trap:

And I also cut off the black traps off of the venus flytrap. Heres how it look now:

Looks pretty neat. 

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