Well, I should have seen this coming. My Venus fly trap died ): This is actually pretty common because Venus flytraps are one of the hardest plants to grow ever. Most gardeners say that this is the only plant that they are having trouble with keeping alive. So yeah. I have to say that the Venus flytrap was the most exciting plant to grow because unlike other plants it actually moves and does something and is fun not just in beauty but its like a plant monster. Well R.I.P Fly trap.
Try again, but find a decent flytrap care sheet on the Internet. Make sure they get enough direct sunlight or, failing that, the right kind of artificial light and enough of it. (Some kinds of fluorescent light will work as long as the plants are really close to the bulbs.) Don't overfeed them with bugs. Use only distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or very clean rain water (i.e., that you have collected directly from the sky in a clean container, not rain water that's come through a downspout or been standing in a puddle). Good luck.
ReplyDeleteHey I just read your blog and I'm pretty sure your plant died because of that soil you made when you re-potted it. I have a plant myself and I did a ton of research on it, your supposed to have moss, this keeps it moist the entire time and is low in nutrients so it doesn't "burn" the roots. Soil with nutrient and minerals and stuff will kill it because Venus fly traps have very sensitive roots and especially with those extra fertilizer white foam things in the soil will "burn" the roots and kill the plant, and just a heads up, you cant give it tap water either as this will burn it too, give it distilled, bottled, or rain water instead, or even tap water that's been sitting out for a day or 2. All this is because where its orgin is, (i forgot where) the soil is very poor and it has adapted to that.
ReplyDeleteYou should try again! And yes, you were overfeeding it I did it too for a bit till i did my research. :p
oh one more suggestion, this is what I do. They do like humidity (the orgin thing again) so I found a one gallon clear plastic fish tank i had on hand, big enough to cover the plant when placed upside down on it. That kept it humid and my plant seemed much happier.
ReplyDeleteWhere did u get your plant
ReplyDeleteI.also want to buy one i am in karachi
ReplyDeleteI.also want to buy one i am in karachi
ReplyDeleteWhere did u get your plant
ReplyDeleteHelllo, i tried to grow up these seeds i bought online. From 2 different sellers. Both seeds seems different in size. Well
ReplyDeleteNow more than a month has passed. But the venus fly trap doesnt come up. Instead there are small plants in it. with leaves.. The whole pot has covered with it. And no sign of any significance with the venus flytrap. Help